Holiday Present Ideas to Build Classroom Skills 

Therapist-Recommended Toys

Broken Down by Skill Area

Click each link to read why the selected toys help kids develop specific skills.

  1. Fine Motor Toys 

  1. Gross Motor Toys

  1. Pencil Grasp Toys 

  1. Games for Pencil Grasp 

  1. Toys for Reluctant Writers 

  1. Toys for Spatial Awareness 

  1. Toys for Visual Tracking 

  1. Toys for Visual Scanning 

  1. Toys for Sensory Play 

  1. Toys for Tactile Sensory Challenges 

  1. Bilateral Coordination Toys 

  1. Games for Executive Functioning Skills 

  1. More Games for Executive Function

  1. Toys for Wrist Extension & Stability

  1. Toys and Tools to Improve Visual Perception

  1. Toys and Games that Build Math Skills

  1. Toys to Help with Scissors Skills

  1. Toys for Dressing Skills 

  1. Toys for Coloring Skills

  1. Awesome Magnet Toys to Build Skills

  1. Keychain Fidget Toys (“stocking stuffers”) 

  1. Fidget Toys

  1. Eye-Hand Coordination Toys

  1. Toys to Help with Attention and Focus


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