
Showing posts from April, 2017

Fun Way to Develop Working Memory Skills

Working Memory Working memory is the skill of remembering something for a brief period of time so that you can use it. For example when your copying something from the board to write on your paper or remembering  what steps you will need to complete a math problem.  Playing card games works on the skill of working memory because you need to remember who has a certain card or in what order cards are played.  Try games such as Go Fish, Old Maid, Memory, Hearts, Crazy Eights  How to play classic card games Have Fun!


Origami In addition to the sheer  fun  of the activity, origami helps students with: fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination following directions focus math skills (fractions, symmetry, geometry) spatial reasoning problem-solving skills Why Origami   This article explains how origami can help your child's developing brain.  Here is a link to make a simple origami dog. Origami dog Here is a link to make a simple origami cat Origami Cat  There are many you tube videos and many books that you could find at your library. Enjoy!