
Showing posts from September, 2017


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How Gross Motor Skills Help Handwriting Skills

Here is a Post from The Your Therapy Source Blog ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING. ,  FUNCTIONAL SKILLS FOR KIDS ,  GROSS MOTOR SKILLS ,  HANDWRITING ,  PEDAITRIC OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ,  PEDIATARIC PHYSICAL THERAPY GROSS MOTOR SKILLS AND HANDWRITING GROSS MOTOR SKILLS AND HANDWRITING The gross motor skills involved in handwriting mainly refer to the postural control that is required for writing.  Efficient control of the larger muscle groups in the neck, shoulder and trunk is necessary to maintain stability in order for the fingers and hands to move to complete the handwriting task.  As children develop, control and stability begins at the trunk, progressing to the elbow, wrist and finally the hand.  With normal development, fine motor skills are developed from gross motor skills.  For example, a baby will first learn to swat, then reach, then grasp and then manipulate a toy.  Children need to develop the proximal muscles (closer to the center of the body) of the trunk and shoulder g