Ideas for Holiday Presents! Promote pencil grasp Fun activites that strengthen pencil grip: Games that require the use of tweezers like BED BUGS and OPERATION Thick, short markers or crayons Bingo dabbers Sticker Books Fun Scrapbook Scissors such as zig zag scissors Etch a Sketch Pop Beads Visual-Perceptual/Motor Development Fun ways to work on spatial relations, problem solving, visual scanning, as well as encouraging fine motor coordination. Puzzles Many classrooms have a jigsaw puzzle for all the students to work on and they are very popular. Many skills are practiced with puzzles such as the idea that a part becomes a whole, looking at details, spatial skills and fine motor skills from picking up the pieces and fitting them together Problem solving games like Rush Hour Connect the dots books Mazes I Spy games like Where's Waldo For Children who Benefit from MovementT...
Showing posts from December, 2016